NX NX Open - {DecodePartFileName()} returns an MFK text string

NX Open NX System Administration



ufSession.Ugmgr.DecodePartFileName() returns an MFK string.


The above function is affected by MFK setting.If the Teamcenter preference TC_NX_Supports_MFK is set to True,the behavior of the function will be as below according to the document.
In case of Default Domain: it is Teamcenter Engineering item ID. In case of non-Default Domain: it is the multifield key. e.g. ,=item_id=001, object_type=Document ,=item_id=001, object_type=SupplierPart, supplier_code=x
The default domain is set by the Teamcenter PreferenceTC_MFK_DEFAULT_DOMAINThe default value is Item:

Notes and References

Hardware/Software Configuration

Platform: INTL64
OS: window
OS Version: 10_1709
Product: NX
Application: SYSENG
Version: V11.0.2
Function: NXOPEN

Ref: 001-9389089

KB Article ID# PL8008319



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